Every day, Ever so gray...

New days pass
Ever so gray and lifeless
A sad reminder
Of one's own life

Oh, to bring out the darkness within
The festering sorrow
To feel life shine
And blow away all sadness

But today, like every day
No light shines through
The lines are thick
Walls of hollowness stretch beneath the surface

Oh, to feel there is a meaning to this
All the suffering, All the pain
I need to know
Lest i fall into sorrow again

In a torrent of selfpity and sadness
I reach for that final push
But as always
The freedom of nothingness eludes

Postat av: Charlotte

Halloj! Nu hittade jag din blogg =)

Ha det så bra kram

2008-10-28 @ 12:36:26
URL: http://tegenmark.blogg.se/

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